Dec 19, 2011
A literal interpretation of the Star of Bethlehem story is vital to the Christmas narrative, but like all Hebrew parables of this period it purposely encodes stunning details long-hidden from religious leaders by the ancient sages and prophets.
Dec 14, 2011
In light of recent desperate actions by our corrupted Congress, it is important to remember that Benjamin Franklin repeatedly reminded lawmakers that those who sacrifice our freedoms for an illusion of safety, deserve neither freedom nor safety.
Nov 22, 2011
The desperation displayed by the recent illegal collusion against Occupy Wall Street by many big-city Mayors proves that US leaders are now in abject panic mode, because a growing number of people finally grasp that Money is Slavery by Proxy.
Nov 15, 2011
As the blatantly deceptive global monetary systems continue their inexorable implosion, while millions across the planet are in open revolt, it is now undeniable that human civilization is on the verge of a calamitous collapse.
Nov 07, 2011
The American Dream Film is an excellent animated exposé of the US Federal Reserve System and the absolutely stunning deceptions that underlie the concept of money, but it also purposely encodes several hidden messages and stunning secrets.
Sep 14, 2011
Hurricanes Irene and Katia, the 9th and 11th named storms of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season, help prove that both science and religion are wrong about vital aspects of how our realities come into being and operate.
Aug 15, 2011
Much has been said about the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues over the centuries, but now there is verifiable proof of what they truly are and where the concept originated.
Aug 14, 2011
The cross and four elements came to us through Egypt from a more ancient source and actually model the same wisdom as the wheel of dharma and the science explored in Wholeness and the Implicate Order, but in a much simpler and elegant manner.
Aug 14, 2011
704 years ago, in 1307, the Church and King of France utterly failed at their ultimate goal of capturing and burying the stunning secrets guarded by the Knights Templar.
Aug 12, 2011
Hot on the heels of OSX Lion for the Mac, a lion of another stripe leaps onto flowing-text capable e-book readers and tablets like the Ipad, Kindle, Nook, and others.