Apr 10, 2012
SMB Customers Can Increase Employee Productivity and Control Leakage of Confidential Information with the Insider Threat Prevention Platform
Jun 26, 2011
SOUTH FLORIDA COMPUTER SPECIALISTS, has joined forces with ACRBO, founded in 2007 the Association of Computer Repair Business Owners members are committed to the advancement of the Computer Repair industry through the building of trust.
Feb 12, 2011
The service is available 24/7 and is a pay per incident solution and once your problem is solved you are on your way.There are three ways to access the service you can call 1-800-399-3715
Jan 06, 2011
South Florida Computer Specialitsts Announce our new support prouduct that allows home business users and small offices to purchase support for thier laptops and Desktops. Have your own IT Staff on call to support you.
Dec 31, 2010
South Florida Computer Specialists ,located in Boca Raton Florida, Announces the launch of our SFCS Data One and SFCS Data Pro, online back up and disaster Recovery products Power by Nine Technologies