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Ambience Productions Press releases

21 - 25 of 25 Press Releases

Oct 31, 2008
Published by Lulu Press, the book is the author's most recent in the Women / Relationship category and has received worldwide distribution at a RRP of $17.95.

Oct 24, 2008
Ambience Productions announces the much anticipated publication of Real Life Dramas: Volume One by author Darren G. Burton and published by Lulu Press.

Oct 19, 2008
The book is the author's most recent in the Women / Relationship category and has received worldwide distribution at a RRP of $19.95.

Jul 25, 2008
Can women really understand men? What do men really think and what makes them tick?

May 15, 2008
This pacy non-fiction book of true stories reads like fiction.

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