Dec 26, 2015
Smarty Ears releases a new application called iScreen Aphasia. The application is designed to serve as a starting point to screen for signs and symptoms of aphasia.
Sep 23, 2015
Verb Quest is a multi-player multi-level app designed to improve language skills in children.
Dec 27, 2014
Crianças e adultos com dificuldade de comunicação agora contam com um aplicativo no Português Brasileiro e Europeu que possibilita a comunicação para indivíduos com limitações na fala verbal ou escrita.
Aug 16, 2014
A empresa Americana, Smarty Ears, fundada pela fonoaudióloga brasileira Barbara Fernandes, lança esta semana dois novos aplicativos em Português: Respondendo Perguntas e “Fun & Functional” ( Aprendendo Funções).
Aug 16, 2014
Smarty Ears has released a new version of two apps: WhQuestions & Fun & Functional that will help children with language difficulties reach their potential in their native languages.
Oct 30, 2013
Galardonado desarrollador de aplicaciones de iPad para personas con problemas de comunicación actualiza su Aplicación “iName It” para ser compatible con iOS 7 y agrega dos nuevos idiomas, Español y Portugués.
Oct 29, 2013
Award-Winning producer of iPad apps for individuals with communication difficulties updates its iName It app in order to support iOS 7 and add two new languages, Spanish and Portuguese.
Oct 05, 2013
Award-Winning producer of iPad apps for those with learning disabilities launches its newest app, Sentence Ninja. Sentence Ninja is designed to help children and adults improve their English sentence structure skills.
Aug 22, 2013
Disfagia2Go combina informações sobre a entrada e internação hospitalar, ambulatorial com informações clínicas para fornecer um relatório completo da avaliação da deglutição.
Jul 25, 2013
The iPad is also being used to help elderly individuals who suffer from reading difficulties due to a stroke or other neurological pathologies.