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weblime Press releases

181 - 190 of 292 Press Releases

Jul 17, 2009
The ability to control blood pressure and other body processes naturally is the holy grail of alternative health practitioners. Now some of their claims once dismissed as preposterous are gaining mainstream respect.

Jul 17, 2009
Music’s ability to lower blood pressure, for example, has long been recognized. But the effects were assumed to be due to relaxation alone and thus only temporary.

Jul 02, 2009
Online article writing is a very good method to earn fair money online. Some people are freelance writers who take money for every article that they write and some write articles to attract traffic on their Website.

Jul 01, 2009
.It's very important to exercise in you life and not just for your golf! Make a start on your exercise program by mastering the simplest types of exercises in the beginning.

Jul 01, 2009
Golf fitness stretch training is such an important part of the modern game today and yet there are still many amateur golfers that do no see its' benefits.

Jul 01, 2009
It's important that you do some golf fitness training. Especially if you want to get better at the game. It'll also help you prevent injuries and help improve your overall fitness level

Jul 01, 2009
The problem of weak vocal chords is quite common in many men. The resulting voice is absent of the deep, crisp, resonance that many men wish there voices had.

Jul 01, 2009
Who hasn't been embarrassed at one point in their lives because of their voice? For some, the only problem they have is during puberty, when their voice unexpectedly cracks.

Jul 01, 2009
Many people suffer from chronic hoarseness, sore throats and even loss of voice; and, most of these people do so because of misuse of the speaking voice. It is common; it is world wide; and, it is a growing concern.

Jun 22, 2009
Finding out that you suffer from high blood pressure can be surprising. For someone who’s been in relatively good health up until that point suddenly has the rug pulled out from under them.

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