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A+ Orthopaedic and Sports Med Clinic Press releases

41 - 50 of 72 Press Releases

Feb 22, 2011
Orthopedic Specialists offers highly skilled diagnosis, and provides both non-surgical and surgical treatment for shoulder conditions resulting from injury or trauma, chronic shoulder disorders which produce pain, shoulder instability.

Feb 20, 2011
The Center for Orthopedic Specialists offers highly skilled diagnosis, and provides both surgical and non-surgical treatment for elbow conditions resulting from injury or trauma, as well as chronic or painful elbow disorders.

Feb 20, 2011
The knee joint is a complex system of bones, cartilage, meniscus, tendons and ligaments. The stresses in weight load, impact, and repetitive motion make this joint particularly vulnerable to a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions.

Feb 17, 2011
CARPAL tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a painful condition caused by compression of a key nerve in the wrist. It occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist.

Feb 16, 2011
More than 650,00 total joint replacements are performed each year by orthopedic surgeons nationwide. One of the most innovative orthopedic programs for joint preservation,resurfacing and replacement is located at A + Orthopaedic and Sports Med Clinic

Feb 15, 2011
Some of the most common symptoms of a torn knee ligament include pain, swelling and, in some cases, an audible snap. The severity of these symptoms depends on which knee ligament has been torn.

Feb 15, 2011
A shoulder decompression can lead to inflammation of the shoulder, formation of bone spurs in the shoulder and bursitis there by, limiting the motion and movement of the shoulder. The decompressed shoulder also causes severe pain and discomfort.

Feb 15, 2011
Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis degenerative joint disease, OA, or osteoarthrosis, is a form of arthritis caused by inflammation, breakdown, and the eventual loss of cartilage in the joints - the cartilage wears down over time

Feb 15, 2011
People with arthritis who exercise have less pain, more energy, improved sleep, and better day-to-day function.

Feb 15, 2011
Gout is the result of an excess of uric acid in the body, leading to needle-like crystals forming in the joints or soft tissue, causing swelling, pain, joint stiffness, heat and redness.

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