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SunAWARE Press releases

1 - 7 of 7 Press Releases

Aug 25, 2010
A nationwide media survey finds that a lack of media coverage of outdoor workers' sun exposure risks increases the likelihood of their contracting skin cancer.

Aug 13, 2010
Researchers at Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center have done what the FDA didn't: refute junk science claims about a cancer causing additive in popular sunscreens.

May 05, 2010
The Melanoma Foundation of New England and SunAWARE will collaborate on new sun protection educational programs for children to combat the epidemic of skin cancer by instilling sun safe habits early.

Apr 25, 2010
Despite much publicized industry fears, the imposition of a ten percent tanning tax, at most one or two dollars, will do little to deter indoor tanning.

Apr 10, 2010
SunAWARE joins the Dermatology Nurses' Association in calling for public education on skin cancer prevention. Both groups say revenues from "tanning tax" should be used for this purpose.

Mar 20, 2010
Melanoma has surged in young women tripling in number between 1973 and 2004. Although there are some genetic factors, unprotected sun exposure and the use of tanning beds are the culprits.

Sep 02, 2009
The failure by the President and Mrs. Obama to practice safe sun habits on recent vacation to Martha's Vineyard sends wrong signal in cancer fight.