Jul 03, 2017
Susan Wingate's fourteenth novel, THE LESSER WITNESS has been excepted as a Kindle Scout campaign title for the month of July 2017
May 24, 2017
Storm Season, book one of Susan Wingate's latest upmarket women's thriller, the Meg Storm series, is complete.
Mar 23, 2017
A Memoir of Her: Amie B. Wood—Artist, Sister, Wife, Mother entitled THE DEMENTIA CHRONICLES is a gritty memoir Susan Wingate began as a blog rant.
Jun 15, 2015
THE DEER EFFECT by Susan Wingate pulls down a third book award in 2015
May 25, 2015
#1 Amazon bestselling author, Susan Wingate wins another award for her latest novel "The Deer Effect" with the 2015 Pacific Book Awards for the category of Christian fiction.
May 07, 2015
Amazon bestselling author, Susan Wingate wins award in the 2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards for inspirational novel, "The Deer Effect"
Oct 15, 2012
Susan Wingate-Amazon Best Selling Author & Award-winner-Offers her latest 8-Week online workshop entitled, "PUBLISH YOUR BOOK & START SELLING"
May 07, 2012
Debut Young Adult Novel "Spider Brains: A Love Story" by Susan Wingate Available in Paperback May 2012
Nov 28, 2010
Midwest Book Review selects Wingate's no. 2 book in the Bobby's Diner Series, EASY AS PIE AT BOBBY'S DINER, as a "very highly recommended pick!" Breaking all of grandmother's rules for the amateur sleuth mystery!
Oct 21, 2010
Suspenseful book #1, "Bobby's Diner," in the Bobby's Diner Series by Susan Wingate is now available through Smashwords.