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Syncro Soft Ltd. Press releases

11 - 20 of 35 Press Releases

Dec 08, 2011
Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of Syncro SVN Client, has announced the immediate availability of version 7.1 of its Subversion (SVN) client.

Oct 26, 2011
Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of Oxygen XML Editor, has announced the immediate availability of version 13.1 of its XML Editor containing a comprehensive set of tools supporting all the XML related technologies.

Aug 30, 2011
Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of Oxygen XML Editor, has announced the immediate availability of version 13 of its XML Editor containing a comprehensive set of tools supporting all the XML related technologies.

Jul 08, 2011
Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of Syncro SVN Client, has announced the immediate availability of version 7.0 of its Subversion (SVN) client.

May 19, 2011
Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of Oxygen XML Editor and Author, has announced the immediate availability of version 12.2 of its XML Editor and XML Author containing a comprehensive set of tools supporting all the XML related technologies.

Jan 14, 2011
Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of Oxygen XML Editor and Author, has announced the immediate availability of version 12.1 of its XML Editor and XML Author containing a comprehensive set of tools supporting all the XML related technologies.

Nov 24, 2010
Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of Syncro SVN Client, has announced the immediate availability of version 6.1 of its Subversion (SVN) client.

Sep 15, 2010
Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of Oxygen XML Editor and Author, has announced the immediate availability of version 12 of its XML Editor and XML Author containing a comprehensive set of tools supporting all the XML related technologies.

Jul 26, 2010
Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of Syncro SVN Client, has announced the immediate availability of version 6.0 of its Subversion (SVN) client.

Mar 17, 2010
Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of Oxygen XML Editor and Author, has announced the immediate availability of version 11.2 of its XML Editor and XML Author containing a comprehensive set of tools supporting all the XML related technologies.

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