Jan 23, 2015
Motorcycle adventure tours of a lifetime from Extreme Bike Tours, a bike touring company that has been featured among prestigious News & Adventure shows including the coveted BBC Top Gear.
Jan 07, 2015
A social media digital marketing service for brands going digital for the first time, at an affordable, economical cost & to empower them with a trial experience of how Global Brand's promote online.
Aug 04, 2014
This book on social media marketing focuses on:Brand engagement with consumer research metrics. Quality & relevance of content to readers. Process in creating successful social media marketing campaigns. Focus on ROI, Management goals & SEO
Jan 22, 2013
Shattering the social media marketing myth of ROI generation by using our simple social media tools integrated with "Your SMQ ~ Social Media Quotient" process.
Oct 19, 2010
Converting need to much needed opportunity & keeping the consumer as the core for a profitable business is what the new age marketing is all about. With our customized Campaigns we give you control to plan your deliverable & monitor across platforms.