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ThoroughTec Simulation Press releases

1 - 5 of 5 Press Releases

May 02, 2014
Despite continued cautiousness and a slowdown in the mining industry, investments in operator competency, including safety and productivity, still continue to grow.

Mar 14, 2014
Increase safety, productivity and training while reducing maintenance costs.

Mar 14, 2014
Increase safety, productivity and training while reducing maintenance costs. This will be music to any mine owner’s ears and is exactly what ThoroughTec’s CYBERMINE advanced training simulators are designed to achieve.

Jul 03, 2013
ThoroughTec Simulation will demonstrate its engineering prowess in advanced heavy equipment mining simulation by going beyond the typical industry showing of basic load and haul simulators on Stand 0623 at AIMEX

Jul 06, 2012
ThoroughTec's latest haul truck simulator and drill rig simulator will be on show at MINExpo.

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