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Call Realty Press releases

1 - 4 of 4 Press Releases

Jul 25, 2023
Since housing inventory is at an all time low, it's proven to be difficult for homebuyers to find available properties. The NEW Just Looking Program is getting them access to property info with no sales pressure!

Mar 30, 2023
As the real estate market continues to change, one local agent has mastered the art of "Target Marketing" to expose their properties to the most opportune buyers, thus selling them for more money.

Aug 12, 2022
Timothy Braue has completed extensive training and is certified a PLMC agent by Premier Luxury Marketing Consultants™, a company dedicated to providing real estate agents with tools, resources and strategies specific to marketing luxury homes.

Aug 10, 2022
As the real estate market continues to change, one local agent has mastered the art of "Target Marketing" to expose their luxury properties to the most opportune buyers, thus selling them for more money.

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