Nov 16, 2018
Summer Hill Films LLC, a U.S. distributor and international sales and licensing company, in conjunction with Wild Eye Releasing, has announced the DVD and VOD release of the romantic drama, Millennials.
Oct 10, 2018
Summer Hill Films LLC, a U.S. distributor and international sales and licensing company, has announced the DVD and VOD release of the drama, Grief.
Sep 18, 2018
Summer Hill Films LLC, a U.S. distributor and international sales and licensing company, has announced the VOD release of the romantic comedy, Fire Island.
Sep 13, 2018
Summer Hill Films LLC, a U.S. distributor and international sales and licensing company, has announced the DVD and VOD release of the enthralling drama, Gridlock, which takes place almost entirely inside the protagonist car.
Aug 20, 2018
Summer Hill Films LLC, a U.S. distributor and international sales and licensing company, has announced the DVD and VOD release of the detective comedy, Gumshoe!
Aug 09, 2018
Summer Hill Films LLC, a U.S. distributor and international sales and licensing company, has announced the DVD and VOD release of the psychological drama, 'Twin Cities'.
Jul 30, 2018
Summer Hill Films LLC, a U.S. distributor and international sales and licensing company, has announced the DVD and VOD release of the sexy, romantic drama, Her Side of the Bed.
Jul 23, 2018
Summer Hill Films, a U.S. distributor and international sales and licensing company, has announced the VOD release of the UK indie drama, "Waking David".
Jul 12, 2018
TomCat Films, a division of Summer Hill Films, a U.S. distributor and international sales company, has announced the DVD and VOD release of the award winning found footage horror film, 'Frazier Park Recut.'
Jun 05, 2018
Billy Ray Brewton makes his directorial debut with the throwback flick, which premiered at the third annual Bruce Campbell's Horror Film Festival in Chicago, Illinois.