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Jan 15, 2011
ETFs, or exchange-traded funds, were first introduced to the market in the early 1990's and are used as an investment vehicle, traded similar to stocks or shares on stock exchanges.

Jan 15, 2011
The Indian stock market today is actually comprised of two key entities and over 20 other exchanges.

Jan 15, 2011
According to Wikipedia, Day trading 'refers to the practice of buying and selling financial instruments within the same trading day such that all positions are usually closed before the market close for the trading day.

Jan 15, 2011
Many individuals these days are trying to take control of their own stock trading decisions because their manager haven't had the best of luck in the past few months.

Jan 14, 2011
Traditionally, margin accounts were needed in order to trade options. The reason is because margin provides credit collateral against losses.

Jan 14, 2011
Stockbrokers can aim to trade on the New York Stock Exchange, which is the largest stock exchange in the world, the American Stock Exchange, which specializes in exchange-traded funds, along with small to mid-size stocks, or the NASDAQ

Jan 14, 2011
In 1929, the Wall Street stock exchange suffered a catastrophic loss of value. This resulted in the great depression.

Jan 14, 2011
1. Understand the underlying asset in which you are purchasing an option. Be familiar with where it trades and anything else likely to influence it.

Jan 14, 2011
There were wild swings in currencies last year so it's not surprising that many investors look to diversify their currency holdings or hedge their portfolios.

Jan 12, 2011
Stock brokers hold the responsibility of advising and handling a client's investments in stocks for maximizing profits.

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