Jan 27, 2015
Still lost and confused about the direction of your life? Stop feeling sorry for yourself and pull it together. Kristin Lloyd of TransformationalPath.com has a hot new course designed to transform the way you approach living your vision.
Jan 27, 2015
Need some solid strategies to bring your year back into focus? January is almost over, how are your resolutions holding up? It's not too late, but you need to get moving NOW.
Jan 20, 2015
New Online Course Launch announced by Transformational Path, LLC. This is your year, claim it!
Jan 20, 2015
Are your goals for 2015 on fire? Have you set them yet? It's not too late, but you need to get moving. January is almost over! You can still get clarity on your vision, set goals and start taking steps to living your best life this year.