Jul 26, 2016
The EU nationals living in the UK are not a very happy lot today. They are not very sure what is going to happen next, and where they will be in the near future.
Jul 20, 2016
Now that a majority of the UK has voted for Brexit how is this going to affect science? Well, that's a difficult question to answer for anyone offhand.
Jul 14, 2016
Post Brexit many people are worried about the loss of their European citizenship, which gave them the freedom to move around and work wherever they pleased within the EEA. Of course, there are ways and means to bypass such situations.
Jul 06, 2016
Nora 21 moved to Britain from Hungary a couple of years ago in order to raise her standard of living in a new country that promises a great future. Ever since she landed in the UK she has been working as a chambermaid at a hotel.
Jun 29, 2016
Did you know that there are more than 1,500 people who are seriously considering applying for second passport or getting out of the UK for good? Blame it on Brexit, which has created this mad rush for second passports to any of the EU member countries.
Jun 08, 2016
The very idea of writing any test can give most of us the jitters.
May 24, 2016
There's talk about the EU referendum wherever you go, in the pubs, inns restaurants, gaming centres, and practically all public places.