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UkrAgroConsult Press releases

41 - 50 of 52 Press Releases

Oct 03, 2013
Why do some farmers achieve high efficiency in production while others fail?

Apr 26, 2013
Agriculture has been gaining more and more attention over the past few years. It has become clear that current demand for agricultural commodities is growing at a higher rate compared to the production rates.

Apr 26, 2013
This fall weather is unfavorable for winter crops in Ukraine. In some regions autumn drought has already lasted for 2.5-3 months and November was the driest month for the last 50 years. In central and southern regions the soil moisture is the lowest

Jun 06, 2012
UkrAgroConsult reports that today, June 6, 2012, Black Sea wheat futures began trading on the electronic exchange Globex, which is part of CME Group.

Jun 06, 2012
UkrAgroConsult General Director Sergey Feofilov has been invited to participate in the "Black Sea markets – towards greater transparency" workshop.

Mar 30, 2012
Each season has its own unique combination of political, economic, weather and other factors, based on which farmers, traders, input suppliers and other operators of agricultural market make strategic decisions and determine their actions.

Mar 29, 2012
Input data for universal margin calculator which is freely available on one of the company's resources - UAIndex

Feb 28, 2012
UkrAgroConsult, Kiev based consulting agency, reports that international news agency Thomson Reuters is the General Information Partner of the traditional annual IX International Conference “Black Sea Grain-2012. Black Sea Grain: Market Maker".

Oct 13, 2011
Registration for the 4th International Conference Agricultural Investments - Inputs 2011 continues. The topic of the Conference is “Investments: Global demand – local supply”.

Oct 01, 2010
Commodity market analyst «UkrAgroConsult» holds the largest Ukrainian agrarian investment conference «INPUTS -2010: Investment Leaders and Agriculture Inputs».

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