Mar 09, 2012
The Roman Catholic Church reform movement Voice of the Faithful sees a clear victory for the lay voices in our Church in the Vatican’s reversal earlier this week of church closings in the Cleveland Diocese.
Feb 28, 2012
A newly discovered memo proves Philadelphia archdiocese engaged in a conspiracy to cover up clergy sexual abuse and Voice of the Faithful’s contention Church hierarchy have covered up abuse to protect the Church over children.
Jan 25, 2012
Voice of the Faithful cautions Catholic Church leaders that the time is long past for creating appropriate universal responses to abuse clergy sexual abuse and for ending secrecy and coverup. Transparency and accountability are essential.
Jan 05, 2012
Voice of the Faithful, comprising thousands of concerned Catholics, has dedicated the last decade to supporting survivors and conscientious priests and trying to change Church structure and governance to help prevent scandals like child sexual abuse.
Dec 21, 2011
A Michigan teacher fired from a Catholic elementary school has been awarded $5,000 from the Voice of the Faithful’s Emily & Rosemary Fund for Women in the Church.
Dec 20, 2011
In the Netherlands, as elsewhere, clerics who perpetrated sexual abuse on helpless children could do so because they suffered no repercussions and because the Church did not hold hierarchical supervisors accountable.
Dec 01, 2011
For 36 years, leaders of six Roman Catholic dioceses in Ireland not only mishandled clergy sexual abuse and were not held accountable for abetting abuse, but also failed to establish reviews totally independent of Church influence.
Nov 03, 2011
A serious flaw exists in the John Jay College report on the causes and context of the Catholic Church’s worldwide sexual abuse scandal, according to the worldwide Church reform group Voice of the Faithful.
Oct 14, 2011
Voice of the Faithful has long sought accountability for church officials who remained silent in the face of allegations of clergy sexual abuse of children
Jul 20, 2011
Cardinal Justin Rigali’s resignation as archbishop of Philadelphia shows clearly that the Vatican is beginning to hear faithful Catholic voices, according to reform group Voice of the Faithful.