Aug 26, 2012
Wafa after its almost near global coverage on Ku and C Band is trying to achieve the same with the all new Ka band technology , trying to offer broad coverage area using 3 Ka band satellites : Ka-sat, Hylas 2 and Yahsat.
Aug 15, 2012
Wafa launches Ka band satellite broadband internet services in entire South African region, making satellite broadband as fast and as affordable as terrestrial DSL!
Aug 14, 2012
Wafa launches Ka band satellite broadband internet services in Angola in Africa
Aug 09, 2012
Ka band is the latest technology in satellite broadband industry whereby satellite broadband can be provided at DSL/ADSL speeds and even higher with costs being as low as wired internet.! Ka band is much powerful than any existing ku and/or c band with...
Aug 08, 2012
Wafa launches Ka band satellite broadband internet services in Nigeria
Aug 06, 2012
Wafa launches Ka band satellite broadband internet services in African Continent covering - Nigeria, Angola, South Africa, Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia
Aug 06, 2012
Wafa launches Ka band satellite broadband internet services all over entire Sudan for residential users to corporate users
Feb 07, 2012
Wafa to showcase Ka Band Satellite Internet Services currently operational over Middle East, North Africa and Iraq . More regions to be covered soon e.g. Africa and Afghanistan
Dec 07, 2011
Wafa is providing free Hughes HX and/or iDirect Evolution X3 complete satellite internet systems for corporate clients, NGOs and Military deployed in any part of Afghanistan
Nov 24, 2011
Two Way High Speed Satellite Broadband Services In Egypt With only 84 Cms dish ad speeds like 6Mbps x 4Mbps and higher