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Walking for Peace Publishing Press releases

11 - 17 of 17 Press Releases

Apr 24, 2013
Caminando por la Paz, un camino interior y Soy Feliz de Alberto Agraso (Cádiz) y Mony Dojeiji (Ottawa), han sido elegidos finalistas en los 15th Annual International Latino Book Awards, los premios de literatura latina más importantes de los EE.UU.

Nov 05, 2012
El gaditano Alberto Agraso y la canadiense Mony Dojeiji presentan algunas de las enseñanzas esenciales de su peregrinaje por la paz de 5000 kilómetros, en un inspirador cuento infantil llamado "Soy Feliz".

Nov 01, 2012
Ottawa authors Alberto Agraso and Mony Dojeiji present the lessons learned from their 5000-kilometre walk for peace in the uplifting children’s tale “I am Happy”.

Aug 22, 2012
"Walking for Peace, an inner journey" by Ottawa authors Mony Dojeiji and Alberto Agraso picks up three awards.

Aug 03, 2012
The 2012 Dan Poynter Global Ebook Awards announced that "Walking for Peace, an inner journey" by Ottawa authors is FINALIST in two categories. Winners will be announced August 18, 2012.

Jun 06, 2012
The Sixth Annual National Indie Excellence Book Awards recognized WALKING FOR PEACE, AN INNER JOURNEY by local authors Mony Dojeiji and Alberto Agraso in the category of Adventure as a Finalist.

Feb 15, 2012
"Walking for Peace, an inner journey" by Authors Mony Dojeiji & Alberto Agraso, Nominated in Dan Poynter's Global eBook Awards For Best Novel in the Non-Fiction/Memoir and New Age Categories.

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