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What's Your Avocado? Press releases

31 - 40 of 63 Press Releases

Oct 08, 2014
5 autographed copies of the new self-help book by Stacie Zinn Roberts to be given away on November 15th

Sep 07, 2014
As the holiday season approaches, editors creating holiday gift guides may want to consider adding a new inspirational, self-help book to their lists: How to Live Your Passion & Fulfill Your Dreams, by Stacie Zinn Roberts

Aug 11, 2014
After a century, golf returns to the Olympics in just 2 short years. The team building the golf course especially for the Rio 2016 Games is grassing the golf course right now with drought tolerant Zeon Zoysiagrass.

Jul 30, 2014
After more than a year of construction, the final phase of the renovation of the parking lot at Kapiolani Park and the Waikiki Shell is set to open by the end of August with shade tolerant TifGrand Bermudagrass

Jun 18, 2014
After a year in quarantine and testing by the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, L1F Zoysia was released this month to licensed producer Hawaiian Turfgrass.

May 30, 2014
Hawaiian Turfgrass, O’ahu’s premier producer of certified, low water use turf, recently licensed SeaStar Paspalum, a grass especially suited for the Hawaiian climate. SeaStar may be used here for golf courses wall-to-wall, sports turf and lawns

May 12, 2014
Mount Vernon-based Writer Stacie Zinn Roberts, president of What’s Your Avocado?, and author of the new book “How to Live Your Passion & Fulfill Your Dreams”, was honored with a national writing award by TOCA

Apr 22, 2014
Performance Nutrition has entered into an exclusive agreement with EC Grow to produce and market a fertilizer pre-blended with NutriSmart granular humate soil amendment. It will be marketed under the Award Turf fertilizer brand.

Mar 28, 2014
Stoller Enterprises, Inc., Jerry Stoller and David Alexander were found guilty of violating the Lanham Act by intentionally spreading falsehoods about LidoChem Inc. and its Performance Nutrition products and tortuously interfering with business.

Mar 26, 2014
Hawaiian Turfgrass, O’ahu’s premier producer of certified, low water use sod, recently invested in state-of-the-art equipment from around the world to become the go-to sports field construction company in the islands.

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