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Wimbledon Cufflink Company Press releases

1 - 8 of 8 Press Releases

Mar 13, 2020
Cufflinks are small decorative objects that are used to hold together the double cuffs of a man's shirt. They have been around for centuries and were once the province of the rich and famous.

Feb 11, 2020
Cufflinks come and cufflinks go. Over the years there have been times when only the very rich wore cufflinks and times when the majority of men wore them. They have been around since the 1500's when they were worn by royalty.

Jan 09, 2020
Many men today dress down to go to work. Thirty years ago, you would have got fired if you went to the office in jeans and T-shirt, but today nobody takes any notice. In many businesses you can wear what you like.

Dec 07, 2019
Although some men dress less formally for work in the 21st century, there are still many who realise that it is important to wear a suit in order to retain respect, and although the tie has disappeared in some instances, double cuffs with cufflinks still.

Nov 14, 2019
It is a sad fact of modern-day life that many things that we held dear years ago have, to use a modern expression, "gone out of the window".

Oct 10, 2019
Over the centuries the wearing of cufflinks has been in fashion, gone out of fashion, and come back into fashion several times.

Sep 12, 2019
Wimbledon Cufflink Company can now produce country-specific cufflinks for men who are proud of their nationality and wish to display that fact to the world by wearing cufflinks that represent a symbol of their heritage.

Aug 09, 2019
In recent years there has been a marked turnaround in the use of respectable dress for men going to work, as it has become realised that sloppy dress in jeans and T-shirts has led to relaxed attitudes and a somewhat couldn't-care-less mentality.

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