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Animal World USA International Press releases

61 - 67 of 67 Press Releases

Mar 30, 2015
The statewide celebration is designed to recognize the unique and life-changing role that animals play in the lives of citizens in all walks of life throughout the great state of Delaware.

Mar 30, 2015
Throughout the week Kentucky animal shelters and humane organizations across the state will be hosting scores of exciting animal-related events in various locations. Kentucky citizens will be helping precious animals and bringing joy to communities.

Mar 18, 2015
Throughout the week, Texas shelters, rescue groups, and humane organizations across the state will be hosting special events to help animals and strengthen communities.

Mar 17, 2015
Throughout the week, North Carolina shelters, rescue groups, and humane organizations across the state will be hosting special events to help animals and strengthen communities.

Feb 09, 2015
Animal World USA-International Announces 2015 Weeks for the Animals Schedule! AW-USA Weeks for the Animals will be celebrated throughout USA and around the globe.

Feb 07, 2015
Throughout the week North Carolina animal shelters and humane orgs across the state will be hosting scores of exciting animal-related events in various locations. NC citizens will be helping precious animals and bringing joy to communities.

Feb 07, 2015
Throughout the week Florida animal shelters and humane organizations across the state will be hosting scores of exciting animal-related events in various locations. Florida citizens will be helping precious animals and bringing joy to communities.

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