Aug 13, 2018
Writer/Editor Dr. Lynn Veach Sadler, (former) college president, Distinguished Woman of North Carolina, National Women's Hall of Fame member, and Central Region Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet (2013-2015), has published widely in academics and in...
Jul 17, 2018
Soul Witness, Doug Roberts' debut novel, is a mesmerizing tour de force
Jul 11, 2018
Robin Ouzman Hislop's poetry is certainly in dialogue with some of the key architects of the 'poetics of indeterminacy' – both the Modernist strands represented by the likes of Beckett and Stein, and the postmodernist strands represented, initially, by...
Jun 25, 2018
Jodde Maree has been writing short stories, poems and lyrics since the age of thirteen.
Jun 25, 2018
Writer/Editor Dr. Lynn Veach Sadler, (former) college president, Distinguished Woman of North Carolina, and National Women's Hall of Fame member, has published widely in academics and in creative writing.
Jun 04, 2018
Hamdi Ismail Meça is one of the most renowned authors in Albania. He was born on September 6th, 1952 (Kruja- Albania). He is a poet, prose writer, publicist, essayist, publisher, and scholar.
Jun 01, 2018
There are many ways to know a man. Here, Earl LeClaire makes himself known through his poems and stories inspired by what he has loved and endured in a lifetime.
Apr 24, 2018
If you are wondering where the lions are, they are here in James Collins' latest collection of poems; fierce, yet merciful lions. This selection of Collins' poetry is a masterful work of outstanding artistry and skill.
Mar 31, 2018
M. Lee Alexander's work is inspired by her love of language, music, nature, and travel. It has appeared in a variety of journals and been anthologized in a number of collections.
Mar 25, 2018
Acknowledgments "Kurds and Whey." Savannah Anthology 2015. Savannah, GA: The Savannah Authors Workshop, May 2015: 263-282. As "Trying/Trying Not to Be a Mother," Hidden River Arts, 2011 William Van Wert Award in Fiction Semi-Finalist.