Jan 04, 2012
Children from Dunannie, Bedales pre-preparatory school, have performed their annual Christmas nativity play to a packed audience of parents.
Jan 04, 2012
Pupils from Dunhurst, Bedales junior school, recently held their annual HOPiT Fair, raising over £2,000 for their chosen charities.
Jan 04, 2012
A 7-0 win for Bedales against More House capped the best season for the last decade for the Bedales first XI football team who have won 13 out of 15 fixtures.
Jan 03, 2012
The first XI boys’ football team from Dunhurst, Bedales Junior School, has won every 11-a-side game this term and the entire league, as well their own Dunhurst 6-a-side competition.
Jan 03, 2012
In the last week of term, 60 Bedales students from Block 4 were involved in the production of Kander and Ebb's iconic musical Cabaret, performing to over 1,000 people in the school’s Olivier Theatre.
Jan 03, 2012
Bedales School recently entered its 20th year of drama exchange visits with Dubai College by once again hosting sixth form Theatre Studies students from the United Arab Emirates.
Jan 03, 2012
Bedales students have won the business plan prize for the south east as part of the Young Enterprise scheme’s.
Dec 07, 2011
Bedales sixth form students experienced the Geography field-trip of a life-time when they travelled to Sicily and climbed Mount Etna hours before the volcano erupted.
Dec 07, 2011
Pupils from Dunannie, Bedales pre-preparatory school, recently participated in a fun and interactive series of age appropriate life education programmes teaching the children the wonders of the human body and how to look after it.
Dec 07, 2011
Dunhurst, Bedales Junior School, hosted a six-a-side football competition for eight teams on Wednesday 23 November and emerged as event winners.