Jun 16, 2021
Utilizing mouthwash in your regular oral hygiene routine has many benefits. In order to have healthy teeth and gums, you need to be brushing and flossing. Adding mouthwash into your routine has positive benefits.
Jun 07, 2021
As we all know, children pick up habits from their parents starting from a young age. This means, helping them to pick up good oral hygiene habits is critical to help put them on a path of lifetime good oral health care.
Jun 01, 2021
This is also referred to as gum disease. Which is the inflammation of the gum line that surrounds the teeth. Peri is derived from the word "around" and the word odontal is referring to teeth, which is how the term periodontal disease was named.
May 03, 2021
Dental implants are an appealing option to replace missing teeth or for replacing a damaged tooth. Not all patients are good candidates for dental implants nor is it a solution for all situations.
Apr 30, 2021
In the US alone, there are about 4.5 million people who are using braces and other dental appliances, to straighten their teeth and bring them into alignment.
Apr 12, 2021
It's important for parents to introduce dental care early on in a child's life. This is because it helps a child become aware of who the dentist is and become less scared of the idea of going to the dentist.
Mar 30, 2021
You might already know how important oral health is but are you aware that your oral health can affect your overall health as well? It is extra important for adults to attend regular dental appointments every four to six months in order to maintain...
Mar 25, 2021
It is very common for infants and young children to suck their thumb. When they do this, it is a form of self-comfort and a way they can self-sooth.
Mar 24, 2021
Taking care of your dental hygiene not only improves the look of your teeth, but also heightens the state of your oral health as well.
Mar 23, 2021
It is not uncommon to want a nice beautiful smile. Having perfect, white, stain free teeth are what help make a smile bright and beautiful. Having this bright smile will also increase the self-confidence of a person.