Sep 23, 2010
The European ATM Security Team (EAST) has placed seized criminal video footage onto its website. This shows how criminals can get the 4-digit PIN used for ATM transactions, yet also shows how the PIN can easily be protected by cardholders
Jul 19, 2010
The European ATM Security Team (EAST) has published its second European Fraud Update for 2010. This is based on crime updates given by representatives of 17 European countries at the 21st EAST meeting held at Europol in The Hague on 9th June 2010
Mar 16, 2010
REMA (the Russian Europay Members Association) has just joined EAST (the European ATM Security Team) as the national representative member for Russia.
Mar 08, 2010
EAST (the European ATM Security Team) has just published its first European Fraud Update for 2010. This is based on country crime updates given by representatives of 19 European countries at the 20th EAST.