May 02, 2022
Straight out of today's headlines and stories of the Johnny Depp Divorce fiasco comes Growing UP Mayberry "Just the Facts" Volume 2 "ANNIHILATION".
Mar 01, 2020
Guy expounded on the process for us. "It is with the eyes of our own quantum consciousness that revelations can be expressed into our reality in artistic expressions of beauty that originate from beyond time and space." —Guy Lozier
Nov 12, 2019
Guy's new story details facts of a young girls agonizing experiences which began at the age of six and continued into her early adult life.
Aug 25, 2019
Seventh Sense Publishing has released Laddy Harrington & Guy Lozier's book detailing evidence of Dinosaurs and Humans showing them alive and dying together.
Aug 08, 2019
Author/Publisher Guy Lozier is prepared to give away 1,200 plus audio books to his fans in the USA and the UK...
Jul 07, 2019
First released as papers for a workshop at an ashram in Australia, now released as a book for public consumption.
Jun 30, 2019
Just released Internationally in Hard Back, on Amazon as an Ebook, and now in production as an audio book with Writer/Producer/Actress Su Castillo, host of Fear The Walking Dead After Show. One of the youngest Authors in the USA has made her debute.
Jun 10, 2019
Author/Publisher/Producer/Director Guy Lozier has been slowly building his tools working in Media. His new magazine will serve as a PR Platform to handle his needs while promoting others at the same time...It's a win/win for everyone...
May 07, 2019
Author/Director Guy Lozier takes on the role of Executive Director of Future Film Fest in Oklahoma...
Apr 24, 2019
The Neil Shelton Story "Growing Up Mayberry - Just the Facts - Leverage" by Neil Shelton and Author Guy Lozier. The story comes right out of the Twilight Zone as featured on the Fox News Network's 'The Buckley Report' by Bob Buckley...