Mar 14, 2019
According to evidence, humans have existed much longer than main stream scientists publicly support...Dinosaurs & Humans walked side by side...Humans appear to predate Dinosaurs...the evidence remains undisputed...
Sep 26, 2018
Because of the 5th Interview on the Wingmaker's site, everything about our reality shifted from the perspective of Guy Lozier...while the previous information led him there and supports that position he finds himself in now...
Sep 03, 2018
Oklahoma is the location for the move production of The Seventh Sense. Starring Steve Crawford, one of Oklahoma's most famous magicians, hypnotists, and actors. Featuring Producer Damon Blalack, Directors Guy Lozier & M. Elizabeth Dickerson .
Jun 28, 2018
Author Guy Lozier released book which proclaims to give the reader extra-ordinary tools which allows them to accomplish what most think is impossible...
May 17, 2018
Guy Lozier & Neil Shelton are releasing their book called 'Growing Up Mayberry - Just the Facts' soon. The book outlines his case in great detail, showing the evidence of his innocence, including evidence of the guilty parties...
Feb 28, 2018
After finishing a private class of working individually with students one on one, interacting with more than two dozen students, they quietly approached Guy to ask him if he were an Angel.
Feb 14, 2018
Guy's book The Seventh Sense is blowing minds across the planet. The book used to teach workshops at an Ashram appears to be the real deal...
Feb 09, 2018
A powerful story that is literally affecting anyone that reads it...
Jan 20, 2018
Stroud Arts Book Festival has begun to take submissions for their first annual Book Festival to be held in Stroud, Oklahoma.
Dec 23, 2017
Oklahoma Author Guy Lozier finally makes the big leagues with two of his books being published in Hardback...