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Newsroom Press releases

51 - 60 of 248 Press Releases

Oct 08, 2013
I’ve been creating and selling information products to sell online since 2002 (ebooks, e-classes, e-courses). Following are four tips based on my experience (and sales!) that go a long way towards creating info products that sell well on the web.

Sep 18, 2013
Content length has contributed to the rise in pay for writing SEO content over the last few years in my opinion. Following is an overview of what new SEO writers can expect to charge for writing content because of this.

Sep 06, 2013
According to, the average salary for SEO writers is $66,000. From September 2012 to April 2013, the average salary increased from $56,000 to $66,000 (where it stands now). Here we discuss 4 factors that impact earning potential.

Sep 05, 2013
Over 80% of businesses plan to increase their content marketing spend in 2014, making online / SEO writing one of the hottest home-based business opportunities in 2014. Read on for some further insight by an SEO writing company owner.

Aug 26, 2013
Rates for writing SEO content vary greatly. If you’re new to freelancing, this makes figuring out how to charge very confusing. As the owner of an SEO writing company, here I'll detail 3 methods you can use and give my opinion on which one is best.

Aug 23, 2013
If you want to start a home-based SEO / freelance writing business -- one who makes a living full-time from home -- you must market consistently. If you don't, one (or a combination) of three things will happen. Following is what they are, and why.

Aug 21, 2013
In Jan 2012, I started my own article directory. As I create a lot of online content, I wanted to take control over it once and for all. I’ve never regretted this decision – especially post-Penguin 2.0 – for the following reasons.

Aug 20, 2013
I’ve been a freelancer since 1993 and here I’ll list four things that should definitely be included on your freelance site. One of the questions I receive a lot is, “Should I list my freelance writing rates on my website?” Here's my answer.

Aug 14, 2013
I’ve been a freelance writer since 1993 and have made my share of mistakes as a freelancer. Following are four of the most common I see many new (and a good number of experienced) freelance writers making -- and how to avoid them.

Aug 12, 2013
In spite of the havoc that Penguin 2.0 wreaked, I continue to believe in and effectively use- article marketing. Following are 4 insights on how to still make it work for you because IMO, this method of online marketing is too good to give up!

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