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Newsroom Press releases

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Aug 08, 2013
There are certain character traits that signal whether freelance writing is right for you. Following are five of them, in my opinion. I’ve been a freelance writer since 1993, so these insights come with a healthy dose of first-hand experience.

Aug 07, 2013
Recently, I did a website review for a freelance writer who's been trying to break into the online (SEO) market for some time. Following are the five things I advised her to put on her site, as well as some more advice to help get jobs flowing in.

Aug 05, 2013
As of this writing, the average salary for SEO writers is $66,000. That’s almost $15,000 more than the median household income in the U.S. Following are three reasons these professionals command such a relatively high salary.

Aug 01, 2013
You can make a lot of money as an SEO writer, especially if you freelance. Following are three things to consider to maximize your earning potential if you decide to start a freelance SEO content writing business.

Jul 29, 2013
Beefing up your own online community is one way to "beat" Google when it comes to getting more traffic and sales. Following are 4 things I did - and you can too - to increase traffic to your website/blog. Note: All of them are free – and effective.

Jul 18, 2013
This depends on numerous factors, eg, what the change is, how long it’ll take to complete, whether you’ll provide the updated copy or if the web designer has to do so, etc. Read on to learn more -- and why you should control your own website.

Jul 12, 2013
If you’re writing your web content the same way you were last year, or even earlier this year (ie, before May 22nd), you could be doing your website a lot of harm. To this end, following are five things to check before hitting publish.

Jul 08, 2013
Some webmasters and bloggers have found that just by creating their Google Author profile, site traffic has increased by anywhere from 15 to 50 percent. Proof? Read on for how and why.

Jul 01, 2013
In order to be successful as a freelance writer, you must learn how to set your rates to make a "real living;" not just eke by like a starving artist. To this end, following are two things to always keep in mind before deciding what to charge.

Jun 27, 2013
The salary of an SEO content writer can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, seven of which we'll discuss here. The beautiful thing about this career is that freelancers can earn even more. Learn why.

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