Aug 31, 2011
Although women are making great strides in getting noticed at work, home and in the social sphere, they still find themselves making less than men on the dollar, working long hours and dealing with workplace discrimination.
Aug 24, 2011
Men and women are at odds when it comes to power and influence in the context of capitalism. Areas of real power and influence are overwhelmingly occupied by men. Dr. Karen Keller, explains how women in business can step into the capitalist arena.
Aug 17, 2011
Asking for what you want is the necessary first step in getting what you want. That’s the way it works! Influence expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, explains what women can do to increase their chances for getting what they want.
Aug 10, 2011
Are you tired of missing out on opportunities only to see other people seem to get all the breaks? Influence and persuasion expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, explains what women can to do when they miss that BIG opportunity.
Aug 03, 2011
Influence expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, explains how women can get ahead at work without sacrificing integrity or passion for what they do and who they are. She reminds women that making well defined resolutions is the cornerstone to getting ahead.
Jul 27, 2011
Business women are often misunderstood – mainly due to the unique traits they possess as women. These qualities that make them successful can be misread or misinterpreted.
Jul 20, 2011
Many women are finding themselves in the rut of old patterns of behavior that are causing barriers to their business success. These bad habits are hurting their bottom line, their business relationships and giving them a false sense of security.
Jul 13, 2011
Influence and persuasion expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D., addresses the 5 top understandings women need to know when perfecting their negotiating skills. This knowledge is responsible for women learning how to get into the game and come out a winner.
Jun 29, 2011
Influence and persuasion expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, explains what women need to be aware of when designing their capacity to become influential. They are challenging the status quo and creating better than ever success.
Jun 23, 2011
Whether it’s personal or professional, every business woman knows the importance of working from integrity. How we consistently stay in integrity effects our business success. Influence expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, advises three important steps.