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Karen Keller International Press releases

11 - 20 of 30 Press Releases

Jun 15, 2011
Women are conditioned to tell the truth in an effort to create caring relationships. Influence expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, advises women on the 5 steps to follow when considering the time and what to self-disclose.

Jun 01, 2011
Set your goals. Get the job. Find the ladder. Secure the promotion. These are all the first steps in getting to the coveted C-suite. Karen Keller, Ph.D. says to get there safely, women need to adopt these five mindset shifts or behaviors.

May 25, 2011
Influence and persuasion expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, tells women about the value of knowing and understanding their personal power. Every woman wants to access their personal power to streamline their world for powerful results.

May 18, 2011
Influence expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, advises five important tips for climbing the corporate leadership ladder. Women who practice these five traits typically arrive in the corner office.

May 11, 2011
The language a woman uses determines the respect, credibility, and power she commands. Influence expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D., shares three ways women unknowingly use language that undermines their power and how they can change it.

May 04, 2011
Every employer or boss wants to motivate their employees or contractors to get great results. Influence and persuasion expert, Dr. Karen Keller, discusses the top 5 motivators that get your employees moving and becoming long-term evangelists.

Apr 27, 2011
Attitude is a choice. Women are confronted daily with situations, words, outcomes that force them to choose a response. That response is based decidedly on their attitude. Attitude is the difference between winning the battles, but losing the war.

Apr 20, 2011
Influence and relationship expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, advises some tips that women (and men!) should be aware of when pursuing dating a coworker or office friend.

Apr 18, 2011
Enchanting coworkers has nothing to do with flirting, exposing cleavage or otherwise engaging in borderline sexual behavior. It does mean becoming more likeable, trustworthy and having a great cause, according to Guy Kawasaki, author of Enchantment.

Apr 13, 2011
Influence expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, advises some business tips that women can turn the table on corporate backstabbers and office manipulators and achieve professional success.

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