Jan 27, 2010
Gulf Cartel orders kidnappings and murders of Americans. What most Americans do not know about is that Americans have been kidnapped and murdered on both sides of the Mexican U.S. Border by Mexican Drug Cartel orders
Jan 13, 2010
Your gift now will help distribute relief supplies – including food, clean water, blankets, and tents to children and families impacted by the earthquake and aftershocks in Haiti.
Dec 29, 2009
A military precision type pre-dawn attack came just hours after the navy honored Mexican Marine Melquisedet Angulo as a hero at a memorial for his part in the successful attack on the powerful Arturo Beltran Leyva family which killed the leader.
Dec 28, 2009
Mexico’s civil war,Mexican Drug cartels,U.S. Border violence,Mexican army,Mexican drug cartel troops,Mexican cartels advertising for soldiers,Mexican cartel military training camps, Foreign Terrorist Organizations, Mexican Islamic radical militants
Dec 17, 2009
George W Bush, likely signed off on the 9/11 plot but was purposely kept somewhat out of the loop by Cheney ~ which explains his unconscious My Pet Goat Moment when informed of the attack ~ he was awaiting directions from Cheney.
Dec 09, 2009
The robbers were armed with handguns and forced their way into a home on Longboat Street in the exclusive gated community of Pelican Ridge on Tuesday night, demanding jewelry and cash. Newport Beach Police information officer Lt. Craig Fox said.
Dec 05, 2009
Laguna Beach Investigators now believe that Quintanilla accompanied suspect Matthew Dragna to the victim’s house in late October. Quintanilla is believed to have been present and witnessed Dragna, beat the victim to death with a baseball bat.
Nov 24, 2009
This latest emergency action is believed a move to demonstrate a fierce show of resolve on the part of the Calderon administration.
Nov 19, 2009
Nicholson, met Dragna through a website and had developed a relationship. Dragna allegedly took several items from Nicholson's home, including a laptop computer, clothing and a cell phone. Some of those items have been found at Dragna's home.
Nov 14, 2009
I consider myself a true patriot. But I do think America’s so called juridical justice system stinks. The only justice one gets in America is the justice one can afford.