Oct 08, 2009
A Lake Elsinore man who lost his hand in an improvised explosion device (IED) is being held in custody today after he went to a hospital emergency room with his hand blown off...
Oct 06, 2009
Los Zetas the deadly paramilitary terrorist hit men and enforcers for the Mexican Drug Cartels (MDCs) is now operating and extorting American businesses on the U.S. Side of the border.
Oct 06, 2009
These gangs are criminally active in the U.S. and elsewhere today including Afghanistan. Many are well armed and U.S. militarily trained and are organized as well as our most sophisticated corporations;
Sep 27, 2009
The problem is that most people do not have any serious understanding of the major importance of monitoring and maintaining proper pH levels of the bodily fluids.
Sep 19, 2009
while employed as a high ranking U.S. law enforcement agent in Mexico, Cramer was also allegedly operating illegally by serving as secret agent and a full blown business partner of some of Mexico’s richest and most blood thirsty drug lords
Sep 15, 2009
First offense for nonpayment: a severe beating. Those who keep ignoring the fees - or try to charge their own - may pay with their lives
Sep 04, 2009
Lawyers say the Georgia Attorney General should investigate this shooting independent of the police and local persecutors
Sep 03, 2009
Many of those troops sent where taken from the Juarez area. Locals feared that would leave Juarez vulnerable and many now believe that is true and is at least part of the reason for the recent record in violence that has plagued Juarez.
Aug 26, 2009
The Mexican president indicated it should be part of a new effort to a lot more money and resources for Mexico. The Merida Initiative, a three-year, $1.4 billion assistance program passed by Congress to help Mexico fight drug trafficking
Aug 25, 2009
The attackers killed one Mexican Army Soldier and wounded two others. The para-military unit escaped. This is the second deadly attack against soldiers in the past two days