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Motivate America, Inc Press releases

61 - 70 of 101 Press Releases

Dec 09, 2012
Kevin L. McCrudden, President of Motivate America and founder of National Motivation & Inspiration Day ~ January 2nd announces being a Founding Member of Lifetime Fitness' Commitment Day with events being held on January 1st all across America.

Nov 26, 2012
Motivation Mondays are intended to be thought provoking columns to start your week. Articles are intended to "motivate" you the reader to either "take action to make things happen" or become more aware of issues facing America.

Nov 19, 2012
As I looked through web sites and newspapers this weekend to think about what today’s Motivation Monday© would be, I couldn’t help but notice that from Twinkies to Generals to our economy, the media is not doing their job. Is it collusion?

Nov 11, 2012
Honoring our Veterans and a legend among us. However, "service" isn't what it used to be and the new American mantra seems to be the opposite of JFK's words: "ask not what I can do for my country, but what my country can do for me."

Nov 05, 2012
This Election Day 2012, Motivate America is asking Americans to NOT REELECT ONE SINGLE POLITICIAN IN AMERICA! From the local "Dog Catcher" to President of The United States. "We the People" were promised "CHANGE" and didn't get it, so lets do it!

Oct 29, 2012
As "Frankenstorm" Sandy hits the East Coast, we pray for safety !

Oct 14, 2012
Motivation Mondays will provide a series of columns leading to the "most important election of our lifetime."

Oct 08, 2012
A comparison of Christopher Columbus' journey that lead to finding the "new world" and how we can all seek to find "new worlds" for ourselves if we venture to try and establish a goal toward "taking action to make things happen!"

Oct 01, 2012
Today's Motivation Monday ~ October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Take action to make sure that you are healthy for yourself and for those around you that love you. Lets Kick Cancer !

Sep 17, 2012
Rosh Hashanah is also referred to as the "day of judgment,". The days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are viewed as an opportunity for the Jewish community to repent and ensure a good fate. Today, let us all reflect on how we are living.

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