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Pacific Book Review Press releases

81 - 90 of 154 Press Releases

Dec 02, 2013
Worlds Collide When Brothers Are Hurtled Into the Apocalypse Known as “Spartanica” Author Powers Molinar delivers big time sci-fi adventure in a parallel universe.

Nov 18, 2013
How to Publish a Book in Canada is a very instructive book for any author — in and out of Canada.  Though the book is specifically for Canadian authors, writers from any country will gain insight from this book.

Nov 12, 2013
This collection of short stories (which is really what it is) builds upon the old and the new, the old of other authors and the new of this author.

Nov 04, 2013
Sabre de Pleiades feels a greater destiny for his life, one that will affect the lives of his mother's people. Living on Moreipa, the planet of his father, the king, Sabre struggles to gain acceptance and a place of importance in his early adolescence.

Nov 04, 2013
Some people go to a building with a cross on top, some to a building with a Star of David, but author Ritch Gaiti, as described in his book The Jewolic, tells about going to the baseball game, because his belief would be symbolized by a question mark.

Oct 29, 2013
“Insider view” because Suzuki is a physiotherapist enabling a narrative only a trained professional can reveal.

Oct 25, 2013
Nickname of a young 10-year old girl with mystical powers embark through space and time to save her father during the September 11th attack.

Oct 25, 2013
Nickname of a young 10-year old girl with mystical powers embark through space and time to save her father during the September 11th attack.

Oct 21, 2013
iPooKee is an endearing and comical space odyssey - part fantasy, part inspiring drama, this novel by Brook Tesla shows how love can truly stand the test of time.

Oct 13, 2013
Holy Ghost Writer’s Latest Release: The Count of Monte Cristo As Retold by Sherlock Holmes Retelling Alexandre Dumas’ classic through the eyes of Sherlock Holmes brings a new spin to a story to a new generation of reading enthusiasts.

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