Aug 13, 2010
Radon Tee UK was onto a winner in raising awareness at Chepstow Racecourse and gained the support of the Flood Protection Association
Aug 03, 2010
Following the publication of new indicative radon maps for Scotland, Radon Tee UK headed north to ‘The Granite City’ of Aberdeen with ProTen Services
Jul 30, 2010
On a recent trip to Paris, Radon Tee did some sightseeing before joining the ranks of haute couture fashion houses Chanel and Dior to spread the message ‘Reduce Radon’ or as the French say ‘Réduisez le Radon’.
Jul 30, 2010
The Chief Executive of the Construction Industry Council, Graham Watts OBE has leant his support to the Radon Tee World Trek 2010.
Jul 13, 2010
The Health Protection Agency has issued new advice regarding radon levels in homes and public buildings in the UK and recommends a lower target level of 100 Bq/m3
Jul 08, 2010
Attendees at the South West Employers’ health & safety conference gathered round to support the Radon Tee campaign
Jul 07, 2010
Radon Tee was given a very warm welcome by the Association of Building Engineers at the Building & Building Maintenance Exhibition
Jun 23, 2010
Radon Tee visits park made famous by Julia Roberts & Hugh Grant in Notting Hill
Jun 22, 2010
The Reduce Radon Tee attended the annual Swansea Safety Group Seminar to raise awareness of the killer gas amongst health & safety professionals
Jun 22, 2010
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents and the Health & Safety Executive have shown support for the Radon Tee World Trek