Jun 16, 2015
This podcast describes a movement underway of people called to serve the dying in independent practice. Deanna Cochran created a community, The End of Life Practitioners Collective, to nurture the people who are doing this work.
Jun 14, 2015
$95 EARLY BIRD special ends at midnight tonight, June 14, 2015. (reg price $145). 3 days with pioneers in the end of life movement sharing, networking and storytelling.
Jun 09, 2015
There is so much to say about palliative medicine, the components of palliative care and all that, but it has been awhile since we've simply delved into the heart of the matter.
Jun 02, 2015
There is a calling to serve the dying that is being answered globally. People want to serve, "non experts" are wanting to bring light into an area that frightens so many people. Its interesting how they want to do this. Its not all the same.
May 19, 2015
A talk with Liliana De Lima, Executive Director of the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care
May 12, 2015
Michael Fratkin, MD is not only taking palliative care to where people would not receive it otherwise; he is also taking the time it takes to do this right. We could learn a lot from this palliative physician from rural Northern California.
May 05, 2015
What started out as a conversation about celebration turned into a care giving discussion, perhaps because she and I both have dealt with this loaded topic as well as millions of others. Her voice alone is worth tuning into...she is sheer comfort!
Apr 28, 2015
Death talk on Maui ... you don't hear about this combination everyday. Tune in as we talk about what Bodhi is up to - The Death Store, ocean burials, living ... just to name a few things.
Apr 20, 2015
Listen to this week's podcast: http://journeypodcast.com/the-death-monologues-a-talk-with-giselle-suarez Giselle Suarez is a Cuban-American theatre artist who studied theatre in Europe.
Apr 14, 2015
Diagnosed in 2003 with a progressive form of multiple sclerosis, Aliyah is a quadriplegic. She recently published her book describing her healing journey describing her regenerative experience of living with a degenerative illness.