Nov 09, 2015
I am in New Zealand as this podcast is created overlooking the majestic Cathedral Cove. My heart was soaring as I conquered big fears in coming here. The fear of flying stopped me from traveling the last 20 years.
Oct 25, 2015
Meet Zenith Virago. I have been meeting death educators all around the world for years in my own pursuits to empower people in illness and dying and I loved what I read about her.
Oct 19, 2015
Are you a person that wants to make a difference in your community related to illness, dying, death and mourning? You can and you don't have to train with anyone to do so.
Oct 12, 2015
There is still so much misunderstanding about Palliative Care in and outside of Healthcare. There are educational videos I have found on the internet and definitions about Palliative Care that are flat out wrong.
Oct 06, 2015
The Governer of California approved the bill for Assisted Suicide in California yesterday.
Sep 29, 2015
There is an explosive growth of people wanting to serve others as companions and service providers of all kinds. This is their vocation; they want to serve full time, not just after work or on weekends.
Sep 23, 2015
We are many people ll over the world with passion and ideas on helping others have a peaceful dying. We are in our own corners of the world changing our communities and doing our part to make a difference.
Sep 15, 2015
I began talking with Karen a couple of months ago and heard bits and pieces of her story, as she was going to lead a workshop at my Conference.
Sep 08, 2015
I learned of Kim Mooney's work when I was working on a project with the End of Life Practitioners Collective. I love what she is doing in her education efforts and wanted to share her with everyone.
Sep 01, 2015
I spoke with Nina, longtime hopice nurse, last week about her book and this week's podcast is a glimpse into what makes her tick.