R.M. Barrows, Inc. Advertising & Public Relations Press releases
Mar 19, 2024
For National Poetry Month (April): Help Rescue All these Great Poems and some Great Potential Song Lyrics from Obscurity for only $3. The poems are by Robert Barrows, President of an ad agency called R.M Barrows Advertising & Public Relations
Mar 10, 2024
Enclosed is a poem about the universal secret to having a long, happy relationship and a long, happy life…The secret…and the poem…is called "Don't Say Nuthin'"
Mar 08, 2024
Quick, your editor said "Give me 1500 words for World Poetry Day and National Poetry Month, and don't write about any poetry that's so esoteric that nobody understands it. Write about poems that are easy to read and anybody can understand...
Mar 05, 2024
Looking for your Next Big Song Hits? Check out three great books of poems and potential song lyrics that could be made into some great potential song lyrics in a variety of music genres including rock, rap, hip-hop, folk, country and blues.
Feb 23, 2024
Here is some information about some very effective advertising and marketing math that every business in the universe should start using immediately! It's math that can help all kinds of businesses make a lot more money a lot faster!
Dec 31, 2023
Here is some information about 32 Work Related poems to help you celebrate Poetry at Work Day all throughout the year! And, some of these poems would also make some great potential Song Lyrics
Dec 20, 2023
Attention all kinds of businesses: Before you spend another dime of your Advertising Budget...FIRST...take about an hour to read this book about some very effective and very easy-to-use Advertising Math called "The Barrows Popularity Factor."
Dec 01, 2023
Here is some information about several projects and promotions that could help generate tremendous new advertising revenues for newspapers, magazines, for broadcasting and cable companies, and for internet media companies.
Nov 16, 2023
Attention All Businesses: Whenever you are doing your business planning, here is some information about some very effective marketing math that can help all kinds of businesses increase their sales, increase their profit and decrease their risk.
Oct 24, 2023
Enclosed is a compilation of some very common and very scary disclaimers that might make you think twice about buying some of those products