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Simple Marketing Now LLC Press releases

51 - 60 of 70 Press Releases

Aug 23, 2010
Simple Marketing Now LLC’s Social Flooring Index examines the tone and connectivity of social media based conversations in flooring. The Social Flooring Index analyzes the flooring industry’s involvement with social media marketing tools.

Jun 29, 2010
The Columbia Business School Alumni Club of NY held its 2010 Elections for officers and directors on 6/21/2010. Christine B. Whittemore, Simple Marketing Now LLC, has been elected to the board of directors for a two year term expiring 5/31/2012.

Jun 21, 2010
The newly launched Content Marketing Institute (CMI) offers B2B and B2C marketers practical, no-nonsense content marketing advice from the brightest content marketing professionals in the industry.

May 24, 2010
Age of Conversation 3 highlights social media best practices with global perspectives from 171 authors. Available through all major online retailers, it constitutes a veritable “who’s who” of the world’s leading marketing bloggers, 7 from NJ.

May 10, 2010
Social Media Club North Jersey presents “I love you. I hate you. Customer Feedback in a Social World” to explore the dynamics of customer engagement via social media and social networks on 5/25/10 at Houlihan’s, Secaucus, NJ, from 8 to 10am.

Apr 20, 2010
Simple Marketing Now's Whittemore addresses the customer experience & marketing to women in “Flooring The Consumer: Developing Community and Delivering Wow!” at the 4/28/10 meeting of the Central Florida Chapter of The Luxury Marketing Council.

Apr 15, 2010
Whittemore joins Perron and Friederichsen for Marketing In a Recession 101, an educational session offered during Coverings 2010 in Orlando FL on April 30th, when she will address integrating social media marketing into traditional marketing during

Mar 01, 2010
Christine Whittemore, chief simplifier of Simple Marketing Now LLC, has been awarded the Inbound Marketing Certification, part of Inbound Marketing University comprehensive Internet marketing program, raising bar in social media marketing expertise.

Jan 14, 2010
Christine Whittemore, chief simplifier of Simple Marketing Now LLC, will keynote Big Bob’s Flooring Outlet Annual Convention taking place Jan. 21st through 23rd, 2010. She will focus on 'flooring' women consumers in-store and online.

Jan 05, 2010
Christine B. Whittemore, chief simplifier of Simple Marketing Now LLC, will address social media marketing best practices for flooring retailers in 2 educational sessions during Surfaces 2010, the annual exposition for floor covering professionals.

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