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Stander, Inc. Press releases

21 - 30 of 34 Press Releases

Jan 18, 2012
Arthritis is a very painful joint inflammation which is very common to elderly. The elderly individual already has a very soft and brittle bone and once they fall they are at risk for infection and injuries.

Jan 11, 2012
Arthritis can affect people of all ages. As the state’s population continues to age, the number of people affected by arthritis is expected to increase. Appropriate management can help people with arthritis live healthy and independent lives.

Nov 26, 2011
Why is it so important to prevent falls? I know a lot of people who have been debilitated by falls, which even led to their passing on. That is why we should prevent them. Here are some measures that I think can reduce the incidence of falls

Nov 21, 2011
My good friend has had migraine for as long as she could remember. As she got older, it became worse. My friend inspired me to come up with a list of things to do when pain strikes.

Nov 16, 2011
I do not wish pneumonia upon anyone. Unfortunately it is all too common. So I gathered here my lessons on how to prevent pneumonia.

Oct 31, 2011
Do your grandkids live with you? I just read this interesting article which talked about the emerging occurrence of having the grandparents take care of their grandkids. Statistics have risen sharply in light of the bad economy.

Oct 23, 2011
As an older person, I thought I had the food pyramid down pat. It was easy; carbohydrates like bread were at the bottommost, followed by fruits and vegetables, then meat, then oils and sugars at the top. Now it has become the Food Plate.

Oct 21, 2011
If you are like me, chances are you are currently taking many medications, all for various reasons. Here is a list of things you should do if you are taking multiple medicatons...

Oct 11, 2011
Agnes Baker shares with us her secrets for taking care of our aging bodies and living the longer life you love.

Oct 07, 2011
A lot of customers are asking… How do I pick the right bed rail for me? Outlined here are the main questions you should ask yourself before purchasing a bed rail…

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