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TRG International Press releases

21 - 30 of 33 Press Releases

Apr 30, 2018
Collaboration would be beneficial to not only the company but also to the employees. Working collaboratively creates an inclusive environment, allows individuals to be more creative, daring and striving towards excellence.

Apr 26, 2018
No matter what industry your business is in, there will be a lot of weekly, monthly and annual seminars and events where like-minded people congregate to discuss various topics related to your business as well as your concern.

Apr 13, 2018
If you want to be a good leader, you must set up a process for developing your leadership skills and implementing them effectively. It is said to be an important factor to improve and enhance the operational quality of your business organisation.

Jan 29, 2018
Company culture, or organisational culture, is a set of values, beliefs, practices shared among all members of the organisation

Jan 26, 2018
It is a generally accepted fact that projects, when done by a group of people, yield better results and require much lesser time to execute.

Jan 08, 2018
Many of us do not like to admit that we are in the wrong. The power of being 'right' takes control of your judgement, turns into an obsession, an irrational fear which could put pressure on yourself or put a strain on many relationships.

Jan 05, 2018
Both enterprises and individuals have to process some kind of data every day, whether it is a short message, a notification, etc. If we accumulate all the data acquired in a month, the amount guarantees to shock anyone.

Jan 01, 2018
As a manager, once you have delegated a task to an employee with clear objectives and set deadlines, what is your next move? 1. Do you allow your staff to complete the task and only check on them during the designated period? 2.

Dec 28, 2017
As the New Year approaches, people will be making resolutions to get more achievement. While these are worthwhile goals, we have a more important challenge for young people: Think seriously about your development as a leader.

Dec 20, 2017
We all probably more than once felt like we are at the bottom of a pit, felt lost and had no willingness to get out of it. We all have experienced bad day, everything was just dull and grey.

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