Mar 30, 2010
Your decision about when to file your Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy case can have important and far reaching consequences with regard to the bankruptcy relief you obtain.
Mar 24, 2010
Last week's edition of the Atlanta Business Chronicle includes a series of articles entitled "Falling into Recession." One of these articles focuses on the high number of bankruptcy filings in the Atlanta area.
Mar 17, 2010
Chapter 13 bankruptcy law permits debtors to "cram down" some secured debts. You can cram down secured car loans originated more than 910 days prior to bankruptcy, and you can cram down mortgages on investment real estate.
Mar 11, 2010
At least 2 of the 3 Bankruptcy Chapter 13 trustees in the Northern District of Georgia require a Chapter 13 plan provision which provides that any tax refund payable to the debtor during the term of the plan shall be paid to the Chapter 13 trustee.
Mar 02, 2010
There has been a decisive trend in bankruptcy that is visible when reviewing filing statistics. Specifically, more and more middle-class, non-business owners are declaring bankruptcy.
Feb 25, 2010
When job loss is coupled with divorce the likelihood of bankruptcy goes up exponentially. Let's take a closer look at this relationship...
Feb 19, 2010
Bankruptcy is typically an emotionally trying time for the persons filing. Let's take a deeper look at how it can affect your children.
Feb 11, 2010
“We call them ‘newbies’,” Esbin said. “They’re lawyers who’ve never practiced in this area before and they’re advertising and soliciting business in this area, and they’re having clients retain them.”
Jan 26, 2010
If your Bankrupcy Chapter 13 is dismissed can your car still be repossessed? This helps answer that question.
Nov 14, 2009
Prior to the filing, you may have been getting a few love notes from creditors in the mail, or by way of their process servers, and phone calls telling you that your creditors miss their payments, deeply...