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Debt Relief Center Press releases

31 - 38 of 38 Press Releases

Nov 14, 2009
Earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a case that could affect many Americans who seek financial relief from Chapter 7 bankrupcy. Here’s a look at what’s going on.

Nov 14, 2009
Find out how to handle a motion to dismiss. This includes both the potential positive and negative affects of such an action.

Oct 20, 2009
100-28 has perhaps been the most frequently discussed horiztonal technical price level. Let's take a deeper look at this, though.

Oct 03, 2009
Given our recent admonitions about waiting for NFP as the most important data event of the week, the directionality of today's rally would lead us to half fear / half expect some sort of retracement.

Sep 28, 2009
The debt settlement back end provided by DRC sets the standard in our industry. It takes more than high commissions, excellent support, and great state coverage to be the leader---compliance and client retention must also be strongly considered.

Sep 15, 2009
A Florida court has recently ruled that inherited IRAs are not exempt from creditors in a bankruptcy proceeding.

Sep 10, 2009
Start a debt settlement company by taking advantage of DRC's affiliate program. You'll gain immediate access to our nationwide attorney network. We offer high commissions, excellent support, and great state coverage.

Jul 17, 2009
Those looking for debt settlement employment are invited to consider the opportunities available with DRC. Our affiliate program will provide you with high commissions, excellent training/support, and has great state coverage.

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