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The Podium Pro - Reach Your Peak Potential Press releases

31 - 40 of 44 Press Releases

Mar 30, 2011
A PEP Talk In Every Promise: Cossolotto says new collection of Personal Empowerment Promises is available on The Podium Originally launched on Twitter, ePub features “Top Ten Promises for a SUCCESSFUL Life” and Optimist Creed promises

Mar 25, 2011
Matthew Cossolotto gives Standing O Award to The Giving Pledge founders Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett. 59 of the wealthiest Americans have taken The Giving Pledge, promising to donate at least half of their wealth to charity.

Mar 23, 2011
In his campaign to win widespread recognition of “Make A Promise Day,” Matthew Cossolotto announces availability of several gift items including greeting cards, coffee mugs, and t-shirts. These gift items can be ordered via

Mar 14, 2011
Describing “Make A Promise Day” as the only unofficial “holiday” dedicated to personal empowerment, goal achievement, and integrity enhancement, Cossolotto promises to share the power of making a promise with millions of people worldwide.

Mar 10, 2011
Matthew Cossolotto cites the example of Kirk Smalley, who made a promise to his stepson on Father's Day 2010 that he would do everything he could to stop bullying. Smalley's stepson Ty Field committed suicide after being bullied at school.

Mar 01, 2011
March Forward! Cossolotto’s mother would have been 90 years old today. Cossolotto made a promise to his mother on her deathbed. He kept that promise and created “Make A Promise Day” on May 4th to share the power of promises with millions.

Feb 18, 2011
May The Fourth Be With You! Following Yorktown NY's adoption of a “Make A Promise Day” resolution, Cossolotto calls on President Obama and other leaders around the country to issue similar proclamations and embrace the power of making a promise

Feb 16, 2011
Matthew Cossolotto, Yorktown resident and creator of "Make a Promise Day” (May 4th -- May The Fourth Be With You!), applauds Yorktown Town Board for adopting this resolution and expresses hope that other jurisdictions will follow Yorktown's lead.

Jan 27, 2011
Matthew Cossolotto’s keynote – “Globalize Your Locality” – was published in Vital Speeches of the Day. Cossolotto is founder of Study Abroad Alumni International and a former aide to House Speaker Jim Wright and Congressman Leon Panetta.

Jan 25, 2011
A CEO-level corporate speechwriter and former aide to Congressman Leon Panetta and House Speaker Jim Wright, Cossolotto will provide executive speechwriting, speech coaching, strategic messaging, and workshops to “public interest” organizations

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