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The Podium Pro - Reach Your Peak Potential Press releases

41 - 44 of 44 Press Releases

Jan 20, 2011
Westchester, NY-based Matthew Cossolotto Offers Lineup of Personal Empowerment Programs (PEPTalks) To Corporations, Colleges, and Nonprofits. His top three PEPTalks deal with the power of promises, the joy of speaking, and the habits of SUCCESS.

Jan 17, 2011
On Martin Luther King Day, Cossolotto--The Podium Pro--gives “Standing O” Award to Martin Luther King for his historic “I Have A Dream” Speech. Cossolotto applauds King for highlighting promises of equality and democracy for all citizens.

Jan 12, 2011
Matthew Cossolotto, “Make A Promise Day” creator, to speak about “The Power of Making a Promise” at three libraries in Westchester NY: Mount Kisco Jan. 15 (11:00 AM); Mount Pleasant/Pleasantville Feb. 5 (10:30 AM); Shrub Oak Feb. 10 (7:30 PM)

Jan 10, 2011
Matthew Cossolotto, creator of "Make a Promise Day” (May 4th), gives “Standing O” Award to Genworth Financial’s ‘Promises’ Ad. A former congressional aide and a top corporate speechwriter, Cossolotto launches “A Promise A Day" program.

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