Nov 20, 2021
The Freedom of Information Acts requires federal agencies to respond in 20 days, but FDA wants 55 years to reveal data on covid shots. (Reuters) FDA's online warnings include death, major cardiac, bleeding and neurological problems, but who knows it?
Nov 11, 2021
Presidential MD for Bush, Obama and Trump wanted cognitive test for Biden vs dementia. NIH admitted that Fauci lied to Congress and Newsom was not seen for days due to Guillain-Barre Syndrome?—Is he hiding shot woes while pushing them on kids?
Nov 09, 2021
Rep Greg Steube of Florida, owner of four rescued dogs, cites research with Beagle puppies and says, "taxpayers pay Fauci's $400,000-plus annual salary to oversee the unethical and inhumane torture of animals in our country and abroad."
Nov 05, 2021
Jewish people cite their shema that "The LORD our God is one," Deuteronomy 6:4. A concordance shows the word for 'one' is echad, and it means a combined unity, like when the evening and morning became day one, Genesis 1:5.
Oct 24, 2021
NIH letter admits Fauci lie on 'gain of function' for coronavirus sent to Wuhan to develop bioweapon, Prof Ebright of Rutgers Univ told Washington Examiner. Add Gates depopulation goal, CDC history of lying for broad view, says Richard Ruhling MD
Oct 20, 2021
80% of our pilots are ex-military. We see the tyranny …They're coming for essential workers first…the rest of America next. We're not doing it for us; we're doing it for America. We swore to defend the Constitution against all enemies
Oct 18, 2021
Senator Rand Paul, MD requested an investigation for Dr. Fauci's lying to Congress re his transfer of a virus project at University of N Carolina to Wuhan China for "Gain of Function" to make it infectious, funded by $3.7 million, US tax-payers.
Oct 16, 2021
The pope's visit to Congress; Muslims siege of Jerusalem requested by Erdogan of Turkey, and a continued escalation of the Covid crisis all have overlooked Biblical significance for end-times impending; Dr. Richard Ruhling explains.
Oct 16, 2021
A woman asks why trust a chiropractor not a physician. "Physician" derives from the Greek word, physis, meaning nature. MDs use unnatural chemicals. Pharmakeia (Greek in Rev 18:23) deceives the nations, helps symptoms, not the cause, says MD
Oct 15, 2021
Dr Fauci sent the seeds of Covid to Wuhan and gave $3.7 million from taxes for 'gain of function' to make a virus bioweapon while withholding information on short and long-term vaccine effects that he profits from--vaccines without safety testing.