Sep 07, 2011
The FCC should adopt fiscally sound and competitively neutral USF reforms and reject backward, pro-incumbent formulations of large phone companies determined to maintain a firm grip on as much government financial support as possible
Sep 02, 2011
Overwhelming Evidence Shows That Retransmission Consent Fees Charged By Broadcasters To Pay-TV Providers Are Moving Higher At Hyper-Inflationary Speeds
Aug 31, 2011
ACA responds to LIN TV's blackout against Mediacom cable subscribers. Stations involved include WALA-WFNA, Mobile-Pensacola; WOOD-WOTV, Grand Rapids; WANE, Ft. Wayne, WLUK, Green Bay; and WTHI Terre Haute and WLFI, Lafayette, Ind.
Aug 26, 2011
The American Cable Association commends the Federal Communications Commission for adopting video description rules that should help the visually impaired community enjoy TV more while keeping regulatory burdens on cable companies to a minimum.